what is a healer?
A Healer has had their body’s energy channels opened and cleared of obstructions. This increases their connection to the infinite ‘Source’ of ULFE and they become a channel for receiving and giving ULFE. The ‘healing power’ of the Healer comes from the strength of his/her connection to ‘Source’
About Me
"I seem to be drawn to people who need healing or who want to learn reiki. Thus, I have learned to live and work from the heart, adapting myself spontaneously to all walks of people.No two people are the same, and my Healing is guided by each person’s individual needs."

ENERGY HEALING & HEALING MEDITATION - These raise your body's energy and support your body to heal itself.
"I have experienced several positive changes since learning and practicing Meet Yourself Meditation. I find that my mental, emotional, and spiritual health have all improved. My thinking has become clearer and more focused, allowing me to process and overcome challenging obstacles. I find myself thinking more positively...and able to control my emotions in stressful situations."
Meet Yourself Therapy - This powerful Energy therapy 'dissolves' painful emotions, fear, self-defeating beliefs (e.g. “I’m not good enough,”) that may be blocking you from happiness and success. Increases your confidence, insight and self-worth, motivating you to expand and grow in every area of your life.
Meet Yourself Meditation - combines guided meditation and Energy Healing - rapidly and easily induces deeper meditation without years of practice. Trains the brain to respond calmly. Forms a bridge between conscious and subconscious minds, allowing access to the ‘hidden’ parts of the self. Thus increases self-awareness, intuition, creativity, confidence, problem-solving skills.
Registered charity no. 1199323
One Consciousness, one humanity... Learn how we're improving the mental and emotional health of adults and children in the community, through Healing and Meditation.
- If you, or someone you know, is facing challenges, please get in touch.
- Come and volunteer with us.
- Support us by making a donation.
Energised Crystals
Crystals can be 'infused' with Reiki energy. The 'energised' crystal can then help to synchronise the body's energy with that of the crystal, thus raising the body's energy and increasing the body's own ability to heal itself. Healing my be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Would you like a crystal energised specifically for YOU?
- Promote harmony & understanding in relationships.
- Protection from negative energies.
- For extra motivation.

What is universal life force energy?
The Japanese word "Reiki" literally means "Universal Life Energy. "Universal Life Force Energy (ULFE) exists everywhere in the galaxies. It gives life to matter and is essential for maintaining the orderly function of all living things, and for raising their awareness. A deficiency or imbalance of ULFE in the body can lead to stress, illness, and malfunction.
what is positive healing therapy?
Holistic healing of mind, body, and, spirit, using Universal Life Force Energy (ULFE). Different healing systems may be used, including Reiki. This helps to restore energy balance in the body and increases the body's own ability to heal itself. Reiki may be given 'hands on' or contactless. Both are equally effective.
what is distant healing?
Reiki or Life Force Energy is given to a client who is not physically present with the healer. When a healer's energy flow is strong distant healing can be as effective as hands on healing.
How does distant healing work?
the healing power of gratitude
Gratitude is an attitude, a mindset. It is recognising that the lens through which we view the world colours what we see. We can choose to focus on the things we dislike and, hence, feel hard done by. Or, we can choose to notice and appreciate the goodness in life, even when things are contrary to our wishes. Read about the miracle of gratitude. CLICK HERE
the gift of 'now'
When our thoughts are directed towards the past or future (as is commonly the case), our energy is also directed there. And we miss out on the magic and beauty of the present – we miss out on life itself. Find out how to lead a more fulfilling life. CLICK HERE
are you having difficulty changing unwanted habits & behaviours?
Find out how healing can help. CLICK HERE