Dr Nidaa (BDS)

“Tasneem has been the catalyst that transformed (and is still transforming) my life. Words cannot express my gratitude for the mental and emotional freedom I now feel.”
Eugene Callinan

Team London Award 2012 – Mayor of London
Safer Parks Award, Gold Winner 2012 – Mayor of London
“My thinking was noticeably sharper and more positive and I felt happiness and joy inside.”
Marisa Hawkes

“The day I met Tasneem changed my life, in ways I could never have imagined. I was a broken person then, devastated by my fiancé leaving me.”
Dr Nidaa, BDS – NHS Dental Surgeon
“Tasneem has been the catalyst that transformed (and is still transforming) my life. Words cannot express my gratitude for the mental and emotional freedom I now feel.
With the aid of her healing I have felt the chains of self-doubt, guilt and conditioned fears fall off, allowing me to emerge as a free soul and be who I want to be.
I believe that the power of her healing stems from the purity of her soul, her generosity, her genuine compassion and love for all beings. She seems to know intuitively what is wrong with someone, and how to make them feel relaxed, without judging them. Her selfless devotion to healing others, rather than profiting from them makes her stand out from the rest.”
Eugene Callinan – British Empire Medal Winner
- Community champion,
- Park warden (Kenton recreation ground)
- Awarded:- Volunteer of the year 2011 – Harrow Council
- Team London Award 2012 – Mayor of London
- Safer Parks Award, Gold Winner 2012 – Mayor of London
“Being responsible for the park (Kenton Recreation) and the community creates a great deal of work and pressure. It can sometimes be difficult to ‘switch off’ and relax. Although I was skeptical about Tasneem’s ability as a ‘healer’ I thought I would give it a try.
After my first session with Tasneem I felt rejuvenated, as if a great weight had been lifted off me. My thinking was noticeably sharper and more positive and I felt happiness and joy inside. I was so impressed I phoned her for another session! Life is now getting better and better. My responsibility and workload have not changed, but I feel more relaxed and better able to handle the pressure.
From being a sceptic, I am now an avid supporter of Tasneem and ‘Healing’.
I recommended Tasneem’s healing sessions to others, who were similarly impressed. Hence, we are now offering the Community the opportunity to try Healing with Tasneem. A room has been organised for her in the Old Bowls Cafe in Kenton Recreation Ground.”
Marisa Hawkes
“My name is Marisa Hawkes. I am from Surrey.”
The day I met Tasneem changed my life, in ways I could never have imagined.I was a broken person then, devastated by my fiancé leaving me – someone whom I had considered to be the ‘love of my life’. I had tried for many years to help him battle severe depression and other issues and was emotionally scarred by the experience.
I didn’t know anything about Reiki spiritual healing, until a friend of mine told me that she thought it could really help me heal, and she took me to see ‘Auntie’.
Tasneem was so kind, and just wanted to help me as she could see I really needed it. People like her – utterly selfless and with a big heart – are what makes this world a better place.
Tasneem gave me her time, wisdom, patience, encouragement and healing over the course of a few weeks. I felt a difference almost immediately – the heavy feeling in my chest went away, as well as being more calm and slowly feeling like I had more energy in myself to do good things, such as reconnect with people I loved and do things to make myself happy. It was incredible how she could tap into someone’s aura and know exactly how they were feeling without them saying a word.
After every session, I felt more optimistic and accepted what had happened. It was like she was giving me her strength and unburdening my soul with the Reiki. I could almost feel the negative energy leaving my body, the sadness dissipating and the old me returning. I felt more powerful than ever before. This emotional release was the best de-stressor I had ever experienced.
Now I feel such inner peace it is almost indescribable and am a stronger, happier and wiser person because of her. Everything she said helped me to learn more about myself. And her healing was more beneficial than years of therapy/counselling I had had.
I have been able to help others with what I learnt from Auntie and am keen to carry on learning how to practise healing.
I will alway be grateful for Tasneem’s amazing talent to heal people and give them hope and faith for a joyful and happy life. Thank you for everything you did for me. Nor me or my family will ever forget it.